bang93850 8/24/2024 8:08:17 PM
IX. Rewrite each sentences so that it contains the word or words in capitals, and so that the meaning stay the same. a. Were Smith to resign, I might stand a chance of getting his job. IF ....................................................................................... b. Such was the demand for the tickets that people queued day GREAT and night. .......................................................................................... c. The money is not to be paid under no circumstances. NO .......................................................................................... d. Three days passed before we arrived at the first oasis. NOT UNTIL .......................................................................................... e. Hardly had the ship left port when a violent storm developed. SOON AFTER ............................................................................................ f. They would have discovered land sooner had they carried a compass IF ............................................................................................ g. Little did Brenda know what she was letting herself in for. IDEA .......................................................................................... h. It was only when I stopped that I realized something was wrong DID I .......................................................................................... i. The accused never expressed regret for what he had done. AT NO TIME .......................................................................................... j. j. So exhausted were the runners that none of them finished the race. TOO. ..........................................................................................