phamtiendungnd2001 6/20/2023 6:58:09 PM

To: Eva Linn, Lundtalk Industries

From: Technical Services

ETS 2022 (Solved):

Date: January 15

Subject: Technical query

Dear Ms. Linn,

Thank you for contacting our technical department -- -- (135) your query ---- (136) our call got disconnected when we were trying to reboof your system from our remote location. ----- (137) Therefore, please call us at your earliest convenience and refer to conversation ID #TECH12-2020A to complete the system repair. We have prioritized your inquiry and look forward to helping you ----- (138) your computer to ifs full capabilities.


Arthur Feldt Technical Service Facilitator


135. (A) until (B) besides (C) into (D) with

136. (A) In other words (B) For this reason (C) For example (D) As you know


  (A) We invife you tfo visit one of our computer repair centers in your area.

  (B) Unfortunately, we do not have a phone number at which we can reach you.

  (C) Thank you again for being one of our priority customers.

  (D) Please submit your check for the service fee promptly.

138. (A) restore (B) restoring (C) restored (D) restoration